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Nautic Brussels Sprouts
Vigorous and sturdy, this hybrid boasts tightly wrapped 1 inch sprouts that sweeten with time. Extra spacing between buds allows for easier harvest of individual sprouts, improved air circulation and thereby increased disease resistance. If you are a Sprout lover, Nautic will make a lovely addition to your fall harvests.

Red Bull Brussels Sprouts
A stunning open-pollinated European HEIRLOOM with gorgeous, deep purple-red, 1 to 2-inch sprouts on 3-foot tall plants. Packed with antioxidants, flavor is more delicate, yet nuttier than standard green types.The beautiful color, retained when cooked, deepens with the first light frost, and further intensifies after a hard frost. Extremely heat and cold tolerant, harvest September through January!

Tasty King Oriental Cucumber
This Japanese Hybrid yields buckets of dark, tasty, burpless, thin-skinned beauties. If trellised, they will grow up to 16 to 18-inches long, yet remain slender with a small seed cavity. Delicious eaten straight off the vine or tossed into your favorite salads or sandwiches. We tend to harvest when less mature, at 10 to 12 inches, and at peak season find ourselves organizing meals around cucumber salad recipes!

Blue de Solaise Leek
This extremely hardy French HEIRLOOM boasts gorgeous blue-green stalks that intensify to shades of violet through the winter. Pretty enough for an ornamental border, the thick white shafts of these 20-inch tall plants are mild and sweet. You can begin harvesting late summer or enjoy the beauty and production of winter leeks!

First Taste Sweet Pepper
This irresistibly snackable sweet pepper offers a bright burst of flavor and exhilarating crunch. Bred by Burpee, plants are prolific, burdened with fruit and, as the name implies, early maturing. If you are a sweet pepper fan, you will want to carve out a spot for this one in your garden.

Garden Salsa Pepper
This hybrid was bred to help you get your salsa game on! Expect an abundance of slender, 8-inch long, thin skinned, 1-inch wide peppers that ripen from green to red. Rated 3,000 Scovilles on the heat index, heat level is akin to a Jalapeño. Because of it’s thin skin, it can also be easily dried and ground into spice. Plant one of these to satisfy and step up your summer salsa production.

Giant Aconcagua Pepper
This Argentinian sweet red frying pepper yields tons of gigantic peppers up to 12 inches long. Crunchy, thick- walled flesh, juicy and sweet, ripens from green to orange to red. Great flavor for fresh use at any stage of maturity. Ideal for grilling, frying and roasting when fully mature. These 3-foot tall plants, with heavy pendent fruit set, benefit from staking.

Blonde Beauty Squash
Early fruiting, powdery mildew resistance and endless yields for the win! Plant habit is open, lending itself to easy picking of slender, buttery yellow 5-7” straight fruits. Also a winner in Fedco staff taste test for sweetness and texture.

Honeyboat Delicata Squash
Hailed as one of the sweetest squash in existence, this delicious version sports oblong fruit with coppery skin emblazoned with the signature green Delicata striping. Beloved for their edible skin, and oh-so-sweet flesh, a typical 12-16 ounce squash nicely serves two. Unlike most winter squash, it is ready to eat fresh off the vine, but also holds well and retains its sweetness through storage. Seeds are also a tasty oven-roasted treat! With vines up to six feet in length, it will trellis beautifully for you! Developed by Dr. James Baggett, Oregon State University.

Multipik Squash
The name speaks for itself. Vigorous bush plants have extremely prolific yields of pristine, buttery yellow, straightneck summer squash with a delicious, rich and nutty flavor. As long as you keep harvesting when 6 to 8” long, this variety just won’t quit! Your family and neighbors will thank you for planting this high-yielding treat.

Early Girl Plus Tomato
One of the best known early yielding tomatoes, for satisfying that first fresh tomato of the season itch, just got better. This new hybrid, continues to boast the quintessential early and abundant yields of meaty, bright crimson slicers, but with a disease resistance package that can’t be beat.

Genuwine Tomato
This big red beauty is a cross between two of our most beloved and legendary heirlooms — Brandywine and Costoluto Genovese. The large, deeply furrowed, ruby-red slicers retain the rich, complex flavors of the heirloom parents, yet higher yielding and earlier maturing than either of its parents. Fresh tomato eating at its finest!

Strawberry Fields Tomato
Reminiscent of the best pink heirlooms, but thoughtfully bred by Emily Rose Haga at Johnny’s Seeds for healthier plants, higher yields, and resistance to blossom end rot and late blight. Sweet, juicy, with a wonderfully balanced flavor. Fruits average 7 to 10 oz.

Everleaf Thai Towers Basil
A beautifully productive 2- to 3-foot tall tower of densely packed leaves on vibrant purple, highly branched stems. Same aromatic and vibrant licorice flavor as Sweet Thai, but with a tidy columnar habit, larger leaves and extended harvest window due to late-flowering habit. Performs well in field and containers.

Speckled Amish Butterhead Lettuce
An ornamental bibb of spectacular beauty, this Amish HEIRLOOM dating back to 1799, has apple-green leaves splashed with reddish-brown polka dots. Compact, 10-inch heads with luscious, buttery texture are a stunner whether in your garden, on your table or in your salad.

Hopley’s Purple Oregano
We are thrilled to offer this gorgeous and fragrant ornamental oregano. A mat of evergreen leaves gives rise to a spectacular display of 24-inch tall, wiry stems topped with rosy-pink flowers that have striking purple calyces. Heat and drought tolerant, this perennial blooms from mid summer until mid fall. May be cut back to the ground any time to keep tidy and upright, and should be sheared to the ground after it dies back in winter. Excellent cut for both fresh and dried arrangements.

Rosemary ‘Arp’
Winter hardiness, adaptability and exceptional fragrance set ‘Arp’ apart. At 3- to 4-foot tall when mature, this beautiful upright evergreen shrub is as hardy as Rosemary gets. With silvery needle-like foliage, and delicate purple flowers, this highly aromatic cultivar is beloved by chefs, herbalists, designers and home gardeners alike. If you long for year-round Rosemary on the Cape, ‘Arp’ is your best bet!

Magic Carpet Creeping Thyme
A floriferous and aromatic ground cover to soften your hardscape and transform your landscape. Rugged and drought-tolerant, this perennial is ideal for planting between stepping stones, in pathways, rock gardens, or anywhere in need of a pollinator-friendly splash of color and fragrance. Tolerant of foot traffic, plants reach just 1 to 2 inches tall but will spread 1 to 2 feet in width.

Columbine Nora Barlow
Named after botanist, geneticist and granddaughter of Charles Darwin, this stalwart survivor has been a standout in English gardens since the early 17th century. Highly decorative, this 2-foot tall branching perennial boasts showy rosy-pink blooms, with many overlapping pointed petals that fade to pale green at the tips. Blooms from late spring into early summer. Easily self-sows.

Cosmos Rosetta
No two blooms are the same on this easy growing 36-inch tall annual. Each petal appears as if it was hand painted. Blooms are a mix of soft pink, blush, and rose with an extra layer of half-double petals adding a whimsical element of oh-so-endearing fluff!

Cuphea ignea ‘Dynamite’
Small, bright, tubular-shaped scarlet flowers are a beacon for hummingbirds, hummingbirds, and more hummingbirds! These compact, well-branched, low maintenance annuals are a great filler for your hanging baskets, containers and patio designs. Grows 8 to 10” tall and 12” wide. No deadheading required.

Echinacea Paradiso Tall Mix
A remarkable medicinal, ornamental, and cut flower, offering a carnival of color! Compared to Cheyenne Spirit, this perennial has taller plants and a wider color range — rosy-purple, cream, yellow, white, orange, peach and soft pink. The 2-3 feet tall explosion of color adds high-impact to your beds, borders and cutting garden. An undemanding and care-free pollinator magnet.

Feverfew Lima
Upright, well-branched, 3 foot plants with long, strong stems will delight you with sprays ½- to 1-inch spherical, button-like blooms. Cut stems from this self-seeding perennial are a lovely filler for bouquets. Interplant in groups in your mixed borders. Deadhead after spring flush to sustain bloom production and, if desired, prevent excessive self-seeding.

Forget-Me-Not ‘Ms. Marilyn’
A special variety cultivated by our friends at 3 Porch Farm. Care-free, vigorous, and extremely productive, this 24-36” tall perennial is awash in sprays of smoky periwinkle-blue flowers. A boon to the pollinator community, and a lovely addition to you perennial beds. Self-sows.

Argrostris Nebulosa
Also known as Cloud Grass, this is a lovely, 18-inch tall, ornamental annual grass with panicles of tiny, creamy, flower clusters. Will tolerate sun, partial shade and xeriscape conditions. Staggered through plantings, the clusters billow from beds creating pockets of soft movement. Excellent choice for tying together plantings. Spikes look gorgeous in cut flower arrangements, and they dry particularly well for fall and winter bouquets.

Malva ‘Mauritanica’
This 4-foot tall, flamboyant beauty is perfectly suited to co-mingle in your borders. Large, luxurious, violaceous blooms are highlighted with darker accent veins in a radiating pattern on the petals. Flowers sequentially climb the erect stems as they bloom. Self-sows.

Xochi Orange Marigold
This new marigold, bred for uniformity and durability, boasts magnificent, rich orange, 3 to 4″ blooms atop 24 to 36” tall, strong, sturdy stems. An outstanding cut and dramatic, fiery accent for your beds, borders and cutting garden.

Nasturtium Jewel of Africa
What set this 4- to 5-foot vining nasturtium apart is the glorious understory of variegated and marbled lily-pad like foliage. The single petaled flowers come on in mix of lemon, strawberry, cream and tangerine. Just the right size to tumble from a hanging basket, twine up a small trellis, or even trail along the ground, carpeting the garden in color. Magnificent!

Nasturtium Raspberry Fool
A combination of semi-double and single blooms, in warm shades of raspberry and peach, are held above a lush wandering blanket of lily-pad like foliage. Well-suited for containers, and intermingling with others in raised beds. Both leaves and flowers are edible with a peppery zing.

Nasturtium Salmon Baby
A mounding, non-trailing, 12 inch, dwarf variety with dark blue-green leaves and ruffly blooms in lovely hues of salmon and coral. Blooming from mid-summer to frost, this variety is well-suited for containers, raised bed edges and the front of mixed borders. Both leaves and flowers are edible with a peppery zing.

Nasturtium ‘Vintage’
Large, ruffly, reliably double blooms ranging from ivory to gold, salmon, auburn and garnet are buoyantly held on strong stems above the classic lily-pad leaves. With a medium trailing habit, it is well-suited for pouring from large baskets and setting garden edges awash with color. Both leaves and flowers are edible with a peppery zing.

Petchoa Sunset Orange
A cross between Petunia and a Calibrachoa, this mounding, vigorous annual is drenched in generous blooms in shades of orange and gold. Impervious to heat, humidity, rain, and disease, this low-maintenance beauty is also self-cleaning, and deadheading is unnecessary. An exceptional performer from Spring through Fall, and perfect for adding early and late-season charm to your gardens and containers.

Rudbeckia Irish Spring
This 30-inch tall rudbeckia sports 3- to 4-inch, golden-yellow blooms with striking lime green eyes. Flowers stand atop tall sturdy stems and will put on a show from early summer through frost. A cheerful addition to your borders, and an excellent addition to your cutting garden.

Bodacious Smokey Jazz Salvia
Grow your own hummingbird feeder! This compact, branching salvia is burdened with nectar-rich, saturated boysenberry blooms with a striking black calyx. This rebooking beauty is perfect in baskets, containers or en masse along the garden’s edge.

Sidalcea Malvaflora Starks New Hybrid
This 30-inch tall Hollyhock-like perennial boasts beautiful spires of rosy blooms in mid summer. Most effective in the landscape when planted in groupings, and perfect for cutting for summer bouquets.

Climbing Snapdragons ‘Royal Wedding Mix’
This delicate little vine will tumble out of your containers and scramble up your trellis or fence in short order. The cloak of fresh green, arrowhead-shaped leaves provides a beautiful backdrop for the cascading, 1½-inch long, tubular flowers in shades of white, pink and violet. Prefers full sun.

Sunflower Double Quick Orange
This bright golden, single stem, pollenless cut flower matures early and has impressive, fully double, 4-5″ blooms with central green disks. The 48- to 60-inch tall blooms are magnificent in mass or beautiful standouts when interplanted within your garden border.

Sunflower Soluna Bronze
This eye-catching, 3- to 4-foot tall, multi-branching sunflower, with deep green foliage, boasts prolific dark eyed, multi-hued, blooms in shades of burnished copper and bronze. Ideal for season-long cutting and a boon to native bees. Planted en masse, a gorgeous border accent.

Sunflower Soraya
First sunflower to win an All-America Selections award! This 3- to 4-foot tall, branching sunflower sports 20 to 25 flower heads per plant. Excellent for cutting. Each 4-6” bloom boasts luminescent, deep orange petals and contrasting dark mahogany centers atop strong, stout stems. Almost pollenless and perfect for bouquets.

Sweet Pea Mammoth Salmon Cream Pink
This elegant, award-winning, early bloomer boasts extra long stems, frilly blooms and an evolution of pastel hues in salmon and pink. Extend your bloom season by cutting often and enjoy long-stemmed bouquets.

Sweet Pea Royal Wedding
A long stemmed, frilly, award-winning, Spencer-type sweet pea with an abundance of charming white fragrant flowers. The enticing perfume of this climber, reminiscent of jasmine and orange blossoms, will keep you visiting your trellis on the regular!

Yarrow Love Parade
A cold-hardy perennial, this Siberian native boasts dense clusters of 1/2″ blooms with blushed pink petals and butter yellow stamens atop a mass of 24-inch tall, bright green foliage. A versatile player for both fresh and dried bouquets, this pollinator magnet will thrive on neglect in any sunny spot!

Zinnia Oklahoma Pink
This 3-foot plant yields long, strong stems with petite 1½- to 2½-inch, double and semi-double blooms in shades of bumble-gum pink. A prolific, floriferous and disease-resistant beauty that will reward you with a summer of blooms!

Zinnia Unicorn Mix
Floret Original Breed! This mix of medium-sized, domed blooms displays an enchanting range of colors from raspberry to tangerine, magenta, lemon, apricot, dusty lilac, and blush—all with striking lavender centers. What makes these flowers so unique is the multi-toned ombre effect of each bloom yielding a rainbow-like quality. To experience their full range of coloring, allow flowers to mature on the plant.

Zinnia Victorian Wedding
Floret Original Breed! An exquisite mix of petite, mostly double blooms ranging from buff to pale peach, rose-pink, blush, and the occasional soft orange. Pastel flowers are carried on tall, strong stems with blooms described as French macarons. An incredibly free-flowering, 48 inch tall, cut-and-come-again bloomer more prolific than any variety grown on her farm!

Zinnia Zinderella Zest
This Fleuroselect Novelty Award winner is a scabiosa-flowered zinnia with tufted, 2½-inch blooms boasting golden yellow hues, burnt orange highlights and a frilly crested center with a dark eye. Long, strong stems and tufted blooms of this 30-inch plant are a perfect accent to your cutting garden and bouquets.