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Glass Gem Corn
This stunning HEIRLOOM brings the glory of stained glass to your garden and home with eye-catching translucent kernels in an endless range of colors. Thank Carl “White Eagle” Barnes, a Cherokee corn collector whose life’s work was preserving and sharing Native corn varieties. Yielding 4- to 8-inch ears on sturdy 8-foot tall plants, Glass Gem is primarily grown for its unique ornamental value, but can also be popped or ground into cornmeal and flour. Join Glass Gem’s nearly 15,000 Facebook followers to explore the possibilities and see what all the buzz is about!

Incredible Corn
A truly gourmet sweet corn for your home garden! Eight-foot tall stalks boast 9-inch ears with superb husk protection. The “sugary enhancer” gene, introduced to Incredible by cross pollination, is what makes this selection super sweet. Not only has Incredible stolen the show at multiple taste trials, but several of our vendors rate it among the most admired offerings in their catalogues!

Iznik Cucumber
A gourmet mini cuke! Gynoecious and parthenocarpic, these thin-skinned, crisp beauties produce entire female flowers and do not require pollination to set fruit. Don’t be fooled by the plant’s relatively compact size. Iznik is an extraordinary yielder that will perform equally well in your containers, trellis garden, raised beds or rows. The spineless, seedless, dark green snackers, best picked when 3- to 4-inches long, are tasty fresh or pickled. Highly resistant to powdery mildew and scab.

Karikachi Edamame
An outstanding, open-pollinated variety from Japan offering three large seeds per pod. Excellent, sweet flavor with a pleasing dark green color once blanched or frozen. Karikachi is very reliable with high yields and good disease-resistance.

Golden India Edible Pea Pod
The 6-foot tall vines, of this rare, beautiful and delicious HEIRLOOM from India, deserve center stage in your garden. Enchanting two-toned purple flowers are followed by striking lemon-yellow pods amidst a glorious spray of lush green foliage. The flat, sweet, crunchy pods are great fresh and fabulous in stir-fries.

Lemon Drop Pepper
If you like citrus and peppery heat, then this HEIRLOOM, hailing from Peru, is one you should get to know. Also known as Aji Limon and Kellu Uchu, these 2-foot plants are covered with thin-walled, conical fruits that reach 2 to 3 inches in length and ripen to golden yellow. They offer a glorious clean, uncomplicated, flavorful bright heat. Although the heat is intense, it does not linger, instead leaving behind a lemony finish.

Mini Belle Blend Pepper
A festive and charming mix of wee little peppers to adorn your garden or patio. While the 15-inch plant is compact, the yields are prolific. Your harvest of sweet, firm, mini Belles will be bountiful. Great fresh in salads and for snacking, yet hold up to stuffing, grilling and cooking.

Tivoli Spaghetti Squash
A high-yielding, versatile All-America Selection winner yielding 6- by 9-inch, pale yellow, oval fruits, packed with a delicious, sweet, creamy flesh that easily fluffs with a fork after roasting. This short-vined variety, with a sturdy, upright, 2-feet tall and 3-feet wide bush habit, is perfectly suited for containers. Like other Spaghetti Squash it will acquire a hard shell for long-term storage if let grown to full maturity; however, Tivoli may be picked young for use as a soft-shelled summer squash. Never get overwhelmed by your abundant harvest. Pick just what you need, and let the rest keep growing!

Zephyr Squash
A beautiful and great tasting squash that will produce like crazy all summer long! The distinctive, slender fruits are yellow with faint white stripes and light-green blossom ends and best harvested young at 4 to 6 inches to best capture the nutty flavor and firm texture. Zephyr has some great genes — a hybrid of yellow crookneck, Delicata and yellow Acorn squashes— and a larger open habit that makes for easy picking!

Blush Artisan Tomato
A favorite snacker in my garden. Blush is an extremely prolific yielder of elongated, oblong cherry-type tomatoes with a bright yellow bicolor, red stripes, blossom-end marbling and a pearl-like iridescence. They are very crack-resistant, have excellent field standing, and flavor is bright, sweet and tropical.

Candyland Red Currant Tomato
Habit, yield and flavor won this currant tomato an All-America Selection award! While indeterminate, Candyland is neat and restrained, with exterior fruit setting on branched trusses to accelerate maturation and simplify harvest. This trouble-free plant yields ruby red, 1/4-ounce, super sweet gems, bursting with flavor all season long!

Honey Drop Tomato
Folks are always on the quest for an open-pollinated cherry that might rival the ubiquitous hybrid Sungold. With that in mind, this variety was bred here in Massachusetts — by Crabapple Farm in Chesterfield. There is a bit more variability of shape and color, with rich fruity sweetness in orange, gold and salmon-colored tones. Compared to Sungold, it is equally prolific, yet less acidic and less prone to cracking. Other growers also report that Honey Drop is more disease resistant and does not succumb to Early and Late Blight when other varieties do. We are excited to give this open-pollinated variety a try!

Marianna’s Peace Tomato
A Czechoslovakian family HEIRLOOM dating back to the early 1900, Marianna’s Peace is a potato-leaf variety with luscious yields of 1- to 2-pound, beefsteak-type fruit akin to Brandywine. This talk of the tomato world has found its way to Top 10 favorite tomato lists of gourmands worldwide for its rich, well-balanced, sublime and complex flavor reminiscent of the greatest “old-fashioned” tomatoes.

Dolce Fresca Basil
This Genovese-style basil has taken the gardening, culinary and ornamental world by storm by winning an All-America Selections award in 2015 for its compact habit, strong scent and flavor, and vigorous growth. This bushy, well-branched, mounded ball of foliage, is reluctant to flower and yields a continuous production of dark green, sweet, fragrant glossy leaves for your Caprese or pesto production. Bound to be a star in your garden!

Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil
This HEIRLOOM, discovered in New Mexico, is the best lemon basil we have found — larger, wildly aromatic leaves explode with intense, citrusy, mouth-puckering flavor! With a robust growth habit, this is a great choice for both the garden or containers, and lends itself beautifully to oils & vinegar, grilled fish, salad dressings, sauces, or to livening up your pesto.

Prizm Kale
This 2016 All-America Selection winner will delight you with an endless harvest of nearly stemless and beautifully curled, tender, nutty, flavorful, bright green leaves. Fast to mature, quick to re-leaf, yet with a space-saving habit, Prizm is the gourmet Kale to beat! Fill flowerpots, patio tubs, and other containers with this quick crop, so you always have this nutritional powerhouse within easy reach.

‘Dara’ Ammi
This ornamental, wild form of carrot is a spectacular, vividly-colored variety of Queen Anne’s Lace. The lacy umbrellas atop strong sturdy stems reach up to 4-feet tall, open chaste white, change to soft pink and finally deepen to a rich rose-red. A delicate filler for your perennial beds and borders that provides a lovely everlasting for your arrangements and bouquets.

Double Click Snow Puff Cosmos
Enjoy lively, very large, long-blooming double white flowers perched opening above airy, fern-like foliage on 3- to 4-foot tall well-branched plants. This cut-and-come-again bloomer will reward you from mid-summer through frost.

Strawberry Blonde Marigold
This breakthrough French marigold will captivate you with a floriferous rush of bicolor pastel pink, rose and yellow blooms, with never-before-seen cool shades in the marigold palette. The drama continues to unfold throughout the season as the colors of this vigorous, bushy, 8- to 10-inch stunner evolve as the temperatures change. Glorious when planted en masse in drifts or blocks. Edible flowers.

Zinnia Profusion Apricot
This landscaping series is designed for large plantings or containers. Unlike the cutting Zinnias, Profusion is a dense, bushy, many-flowered little plant that covers ground and literally fills the garden with color. Light coral petals envelop a rich terra-cotta eye. An All-America Selection Award winner, these plants have bushy habit, 14-inches high and a full 24-inches wide and are covered all season with 2½- to 3-inch, daisy-like, double blooms. An easy-to-grow show stopper!